This past Friday, Arkansas River Valley bands traveled to Ozark for their Week 4 Friday Night Feature. That night, the Battle of Franklin County took place between Charleston and Ozark. This is another big rivalry game in our area. Even with the fear of rain, both bands were in full force to cheer on their team and perform at halftime.
Excited for their first home game, the Ozark Band warmed up in the stands. To start the game, the band played the National Anthem, the Ozark Alma Mater, and the school fight song.
As the teams prepared to run onto the field, the Charleston Band made their way to the field to form a run-through. As the football teams ran onto the field, each band played their fight song.
In the Ozark stands, the members danced and played as the game went on. At the start of the 2nd quarter, both bands left the stands to prepare for their performance. The Charleston Band worked their opener and ballad. The Ozark Band focused on certain parts of their show.
For halftime, the Charleston Band performed first. Their shows is titled, "The Greatest Showman." They opened the show with "The Greatest Show." For their ballad the band played "This is Me" which featured a soloist.
Next was the Ozark Band with their show titled, "Pulse." They two pieces title "Movement 1: Momentum" and "Movement 2: Inertia". Movement 2 feature a solo and a trio.
After a break during the 3rd quarter, the Charleston Band returned back to the stands. The Ozark Band sent over their senior members and drum major to talk to the Charleston Band. In the stand, the band was having a great time. They played stand tunes, dance, and waved back and forth with the Ozark band.
The feature of the Ozark and Charleston Band was a great night. Both bands performed an amazing show for their friends, family, and community. They crowd cheered for both bands as they performed on the field. If you get a chance, you need to check out Charleston's and Ozark's Marching show.
Arkansas River Valley Bands will be traveling to Booneville next Friday for their Week 5 Friday Night Feature of the Booneville Bearcat Band and the Paris Eagle Band.