On September 6th, Arkansas River Valley Bands traveled to Waldron for their Week 2 Friday Night Feature of the Waldron Bulldog Band and the Mansfield Tiger Band. This was the first time for ARVBands to travel to Waldron since recently adding the band to their cover.
During the pregame, the Waldron Band forms a semicircle block with the cheerleaders on the field. They played the National Anthem, Waldron Alma Mater and Fight Song, and the Hey Song. The Band made its way to the end-zone to play the fight song as the football team ran onto the field.
Once the game got started, the Waldron Band was up and down, playing and cheering on their team. The game played a big role in the enthusiasm of both bands. Mansfield would play a stand tune then Waldron would play one. As halftime approached, Mansfield and Waldron made their way out of the stands to prepare for their performance.
In the Mansfield warm-up circle, the band focused on their individual instrument tone. At the Waldron circle, the band ran through their opener. This was the first night for Waldron to perform their halftime show, so nerves were running. Waldron Director, Kevin Beirne, addressed his band saying, "Freshmen, this may be your first performance, but it will not be your last. Seniors, this is your last year so give it all you got."
On the field, the Mansfield Tiger Band performed their 2019 show, "A Tribute to Westerns." After a week of practice, there was an incredible amount of improvement from their run last Thursday night. Mansfield also added drill to their opener this past week. The Waldron Bulldog Band was next to take the field. Their 2019 show is titled "Songs of the South" and they performed their opener "Song of the South" by Alabama. Waldron followed up their opener with the Waldron Fight Song.
The Waldron Band is off to a great season. Mansfield is making progress and their show is sounding better every time. The next performance for the Waldron will be September 13th as the band travels to Paris. As for the Mansfield Band, they will perform their show next at home of September 13th.
Arkansas River Valley Bands will be at Fort Smith Northside High School for their Week 3 Friday Night Feature of the Van Buren Band and the Northside Grizzly Band.